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Recipe of Perfect Vegetable stir fry with spaghetti

Hey everyone, welcome to our recipe page, looking for the perfect Vegetable stir fry with spaghetti recipe? look no further! We provide you only the best Vegetable stir fry with spaghetti recipe here. We also have wide variety of recipes to try.

Vegetable stir fry with spaghetti

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We hope you got benefit from reading it, now let's go back to vegetable stir fry with spaghetti recipe. To cook vegetable stir fry with spaghetti you need 11 ingredients and 8 steps. Here is how you do it.

The ingredients needed to prepare Vegetable stir fry with spaghetti:

  1. Get 250 grams of spaghetti.
  2. Provide 8 of sugar snap peas.
  3. Get 10 of baby carrots.
  4. Take 1/2 bunch of baby spinach.
  5. You need 6 of mushrooms.
  6. Provide 6 of broccolinni (baby broccoli).
  7. Get 2 of garlic cloves.
  8. You need of salt and pepper.
  9. Take 2 of fresh green or red chillies.
  10. Provide 2 tbsp of soy sauce.
  11. Use 2 tsp of olive oil.

Instructions to make Vegetable stir fry with spaghetti:

  1. Chop all veggies as you like or leave whole as they are all quite small..
  2. When oil is warm add chopped garlic, chopped chillies and veggies. Do not add the baby spinach yet..
  3. Heat a wok or large frying pan with olive oil.
  4. Add salt and pepper at this point. Cook for a further 5 minutes on medium heat and then and soy sauce..
  5. Boil the spaghetti as per package directions. When draining the pasta save some of the pasta water..
  6. Add the baby spinach and cook for a further 3-5 minutes depending on how crunchy/soft you like your veggies and then take off heat and set aside..
  7. Immediately add the freshly boiled spaghetti to the stir fry veggies..
  8. Pour over about 3 tablespoons of the pasta water. Mix well and serve hot..

So for the beef, I use flank I keep my beef & vegetable spaghetti super simple, but it always comes out fabulous. Vegetable stir-fry is a quick and easy Chinese dish. Stir-frying adds a whole new dimension to your plain vegetables, only if you do it right. Your lustrous, gorgeous vegetable stir fry with remarkable texture will knock your socks off. This is a Vegetable Stir Fry to make your own.

If you find this Vegetable stir fry with spaghetti recipe valuable please share it to your good friends or family, thank you and good luck.

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